Texas Leg 2014 Photo Recap
We got the chance to skate an epic DIY spot the day before it got demolished. RIP Bannister. Phil stalefish.
L’il Swayze crail slide over vert in time for Chipendales try outs.
Micah Shapiro enjoying the fruits of his labor. Smith grind in one of Grindline’s finest.
Moons over my Mikey. Willy blunt just 12 hours from another Denny’s breakfast.
Sky looking top with a one foot tail grab.
….and Jamie has the scars to prove it.
This is sixth ring of hell…..
Jamie goes by prison rules, go in to the park, walk right up to the biggest wall there, and invert it!
Chad got high on trees and then acid dropped.
Chad boneless Roundrock.
Mikey stalefish disaster like whoa.
Ben rips Ben’s bowl! Backside boneless the elbow.
Jamie stepped out of his hyperbaric chamber long enough to do a twisted bs boneless crail.
The crew in Ben’s bowl.
Lone star yoga bros lonely no longer
Chad tuck’s knee in Ben’s bad ass bowl.
L’il Swayze crusin’ for a bruisin’
Sky get’s RAD with Mikey’s bitch ass in the background.
It’s casual Friday for Jamie on the Galveston cradle.
I like my 5-0s like I like my lamb chops, on Phil.
Non-ironic Texas Plant…in Texas. Oh the irony! Phil, EZ 7 Ditch.
Deer in the headlight. Chad, Galveston.
Jamie messed with Texas.
Ghetto fabulous, whatever it takes in Texas!
Philly’s blunt was smokin’!
Mike did some BBQ motor boatin’
We said backflip, but this back lip will have to do. Mikey. Spring Park
You got the biggest park in the western hemisphere and this is what your skating? Ditch please. Sky wet lands plant.
Jamie channels another plant before McGruff shows up in one of the one thousand bowls at Grindline’s Spring Park.
Jamie lein transfer over some heavy terrain at Spring Park.
Phil fs flips a nickel and lands on a dime, Spring Park.
Peep the footy.
Told you there were more tweakers. Chad, Spring Park.
Mikey isn’t the only tweaker in Texas.
Sky pokes a melon west while going north at Southside.
We went to Texas yeeeeeeeee-haaaaaaw! Oil, guns, skateboarding! Thanks to Micah from Grindline, Joe Hammeke and Ben Johnson (second fastest man on earth)! Here’s some photos y’all.
All Photos by Joe Hammeke