Lib Tech Board Featured in “Roam With Rice” Giveaway

Travis Rice Wyoming Giveaway

At the end 2014 Wyoming Tourism teamed up with Travis Rice, Jackson Hole and us (Lib Tech) to design a sick Wyoming themed board for a massive giveaway they recently wrapped up. The grand prize winner received a 4-day/4-night trip for 2 to Jackson Hole Mountain Resort including free airfare, lodging and lift tickets, 2 hours roaming the slopes with Travis Rice and 2 autographed Wyoming limited-edition Lib Tech snowboards…. SICK! Ten other received an autographed Wyoming limited-edition Lib Tech snowboard as well.

Here’s images of the custom board graphics…

travis rice roam sweepstakes wyoming boards

The giveaway has come to an end and was a huge success. Congrats to all of the winners!!


Categories: Lib Tech, Media
