Yobeat Interviews Nicolas Müller about Fruition and More

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The weirdo’s over at Yobeat recently interviewed team rider Nicolas Müller about his newest project, Fruition. Nico gave some good insight to what he’s been up to and made a note that he’s extended the filming of his project for another winter so he can include plenty of footage of him riding GNU!

My project is still called Fruition for sure but I have decided to give it another winter to make sure there’s lots of Gnu action in there! – Nicolas Müller

Not only did Nico talk about his new project, he opened up about several other projects he has been involved in and how his winter was going. Along with listing some of the people he has bee riding with and filming with he made a note hoping for lots of snow all over the world.. Thanks Nico!

Read the entire interview over on Yobeat.

Categories: GNU, Media
